Montecristo Cigars


Montecristo is the most popular and most sold cigar in the world.

The brand was originally launched in 1935 under the name “The H. Upmann Montecristo Selection”. The name was later shortened and the logo redesigned.

The flavors are full bodied and distinctive due to their unique blend.

Medium to Full flavor.

Montecristo Cigars are the world's finest. When you're looking for an unforgettable experience, choose a Montecristo Cuban cigar. These cigars were crafted with rare Cuban seed tobacco, in the hands of some of the best-skilled rollers in the world. They are then hand-selected and packaged by expert Monterosans.

The Montecristo Cubano is a true masterpiece in cigars and pairs effortlessly with your favorite drink for a truly immersive smoking experience.

The Montecristo Double Edmundo is rich in colour and quality and delivers more of the signature Montecristo body and taste than any Montecristo Cuban cigars that have come before.

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